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Showing posts from November, 2018

Patna The Capital City

            The modern-day town of Patna, capital of Bihar is one of the oldest riverine cities. The heritage of Bihar dates back to the Vedic age. A number of these have been mentioned in the Buddhist and Jain literatures, dating as back as the 1000 BC. Magadh started from here, which is the most prominent of all. The center of the kingdom was the Ganges in Bihar The first capital was Rajagriha (modern Rajgir), then Patliputra (now Patna). Magadh flourished and acquired most of Bihar and Bengal with its conquest of Licchavi and Anga respectively and thereafter much of eastern Utter Pradesh and Odisha. Bihar expanded under the rule of Mauryans. Chandragupta Maurya and his son Bindusara held control over a significant empire, which stretched from Bengal to Afghanistan. The Ganges, navigable throughout the year, was the main river highway from Delhi to Bengal. Through the banks of Patliputra (Patna) and Champa (near Bhagalpur), Mauryan vessels sailed as long as to Sri Lanka and Ja


            EARLY HISTORY OF BIHAR             Many of Sanatana ( Eternal ) Dharma or Hindusim's ancient myths and Legends are associated with Bihar. The region holds the merit for bringing forth numerous regions. It was here that Prince Gautam accomplished enlightenment and transformed to Buddha at the present Bodh Gaya, a town in central Bihar and gave birth to Buddhism. The district is brimming with stays of the religious communities known as Stupa. Lord Mahavira, the author of Jain religion was also born here and attained nirvana. The site is just a couple of miles toward the south-east of Patna at present the town of Pawapuri. The tenth Guru of the Sikh religion, Guru Gobind Singh Ji was born here and became a proficient Sikh saint. A grand Gurdwara ( Sikh temple ) - Takhat Sri Harmandir Ji Sahib also regarded as Patna Sahib was constructed in the eastern Patna to celebrate the Guru's memory. The Gurdwara is one of the five holiest spots of worship ( Takhat ) f


            The enamouring state of India, Bihar got its name from the word "Vihara" meanig Monastery or a place occupied by monks. Here different religions, cultures and beliefs coexist in harmony. The region has significant spiritual sites of Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Muslim and Sikh religions. In the past, Bihar was the focal point of energy, learning and culture in india for a long time. India's first realm, the Maurya Empire and one of the world most noteworthy religion, Buddhism emerged from the district that now makes present-day Bihar. Magadha realms, under the maurya and Gupta dynasties, unified the extensive parts of South Asia under one central rule. The capital city - Patna, earlier known as Patliputra, was an imperative political, military, and monetary centre of Indian civilization during the historic era. It is here, the remnants of the world's foremost university Nalanda sleeps in the void of time. Situated in the eastern part of India, B